So after getting dusted at provincials - and enjoying every minute of it - I've got a fire lit under my bottom in training and I'm highly motivated and excited for my ITU debut at Elite Nationals in two weeks. I'll get dusted there too, but I'll give it hell. This is what my week in training looked like, my swim mileage is still low but I'm getting some good efforts in each workout:
3k swim - main set 8x150 as 25 sprint/125 tempo on 2:30, alt. paddle pull/free
17k easy run
3+k swim - 10x50 on 45, main set 2x300 start speed/300 easy
2hr ride with 6x1min hard, then 5x1km hill climb in big chainring
20min brick with 5min tempo
Drill swim
Recovery ride
15k fartlek run
3k swim - 200 band, main set 2x400, 2x300, 2x200, 2x100
2hr ride with RTC Guelph - hard paceline+crit work
Open water swim w/ RTC
RTC track run w/ 12x400 dec 1-4 from 80 to 66-67
Here's a cool GoPro video from our Thurs ride by Coach James who is leading the RTC this week
White shorts/white jersey: yours truly
Green jersey: Ang Quick (aka let out at provs)
Black/blue shorts: Ian Donald (holy crap this guy can run)
Black/grey shorts: Zander Hinton (booking his ticket to Budapest)
Black shorts/Milram jersey: Tyler Bredscheider (the guy who is going to lap me in the two-loop swim in Kelowna)
The rabbit: Tom Lokody ("I love triathlons, they make me happy")
Thanks for the training guys.
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