Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Training Update

Well I've updated just about everything but my actual training lately. I'm in an endurance phase so there haven't been any overly exciting workouts, just consistently long and steady.

I've caught a bit of the injury bug which has kept me out of the pool for a couple weeks. I was starting to see some progress in my swimming before, so I'm hoping it will come back quickly.

Bike training has been going well, aided by all the fancy new toys I've recieved recently. MultiSport Zone just brought in most of the NA Ironman Real Course Vids, including St. Croix to help me on my way. So far I've learned that "the Beast" is actually on the easiest part of the course, with the toughest part being the last 30k.

I'm up to 70-80k rides pretty regularly, with some solid interval rides mixed in there. Still doing most of my riding indoors (boo) but I'm working hard on the bike and feeling pretty strong. My case of New Bike Syndrome is helping the process too. Looking forward to some 100+k rides out on the roads soon.

Running has been going pretty well too. I would consider myself fit, but not fast (same as Kirsten apparently). I've been hitting the trails while there is still some snow to work on leg strength, along with some good tempo sets, and running off the bike twice/week. Nothing crazy yet, just good consistent work. And as a reward I got a present from K-Swiss today!

That should help make me fast! Two more pairs of my favourite shoes, thanks K-Swiss!

I'm happy with my fitness for this time of the year. Deciding to race St. Croix has been great motivation in my training for the past two months. Its by no means a key race for me but I'll have plenty of solid fitness to start building on in prep for my ITU debut later this year. For now I'm focusing on getting healthy and getting some consistency back in the pool, and really upping the mileage in the next 4 weeks.

My 3 hour bricks make me wonder what possessed me to race a 70.3, and makes me realize how ridiculous long course racing is. But its been fun, the race will be a blast and its making me fit. What more can I ask for? I am looking forward to working on getting fast again after the race though.

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